Monday, November 17, 2008


everyday.. while waiting my hubby to fetch me up here.... the thing that i would love to do is reading the Eventhough aku ni tak suka sgt bab2 political... tapi blog chedet tak sikit tapi banyak buat aku belajar tntang alam politik tanah air kita nowadays. Pandangan2 yg bernas and mabeles dr chedet sememangnya buat aku - from the bottom of my heart... i salute him!

satu entry dr chedet yg buat aku tersenyum panjang ialah:

  • I have a problem. I cannot remember the date I was married. As a result I always get into trouble with my wife.

  • She has a remarkable memory for dates, not just her own or our special dates but she can remember the dates of birth of all her children, the dates of their marriage, the birthdays of all 17 of my grandchildren and even of her sisters and brothers and late parents.

  • So I can rely on her and sign the birthday cards she passed on to me. Unfortunately she cannot remember much of what she read when studying medicine. So I used to coach her. Thus we complement each other.
aku tersenyum sbb apa? sbb benda tu pun terkena kat aku gak... as my hubby really hard to remember the birthdays of my children and even our marriage date!! malu jer kan... aku masih ingat lagi, satu hari tu aku dapat call - masa tu aku baru beberapa hari given birth to my second baby... ayah was asking bout when is our nikah's date. He was rushing to register my second baby kat pejabat pendaftaran masa tu... tengah isi borang lah kot...
tu lah, HUMAN MEMORY.... tak sama mcm memory kat PC ni yg boleh di save, edit, add and delete kan. if you wanna read more bout chedet HUMAN MEMORY click this link:

well.... well... aku ada gambo our ex PM ni.... yg very cool, very understanding... nnti aku paste kan... kat opis lah puLOK!

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