Sunday, July 26, 2009

a big shock

we came to know of the news on Tuesday evening last week and i have been touched with Fayad and mak usu. It has come a big shock to all of us!!!
masih lagi dlm keadaan percaya atau tidak... sbb masing2 is like lega di hati after kak ngah been discharged from hospital segamat and can continue her practical training at shah alam, only about 3 weeks to conclude. Suddenly, there was one word that will change everything... every perception and it might just change our life afterwards. It is so hard to say that..... Kak Ngah has been diagnosed to a leukemia!
Nothing much to say sbb masing2 masih lagi sedih and terharu dengan apa yg terjadi pada kak ngah.... she is in a final year in institute bahasa, lembah pantai and she has just married to fayad abt 4 months ago.... of course ada banyak 'list to do' when she finishes her studies... becoming a teacher and build up a happy family tho!
For her... kami senantiasa mendoakan moga kak ngah cepat sembuh... tabah menghadapi hari mendatang... be mind positive... and be a strong girl!! and i hope, she'll be healed from the disease. nanti kak ngah boleh buat bubur nasi... boleh pengsan lagi bila tengok darah... boleh nyanyi lagu siti nurhaliza... boleh cabut uban mak uteh... hehe... boleh apa lagi...?? haa.. boleh teman mak uteh pegi shopping... mak uteh suker kak ngah teman sbb semua list barang nak beli terpaksa strikethrough... itu tak penting, ini tak boleh, tak payah, , membazir duit -- last2 beli benda2 penting jer.. and jimaaaattt duit mak uteh! that's one thing i like about her.. tak suker membazir... huhu...
kak ngah... we like your smile... so, pls smile always for us!
remember that, we will always be with you ...

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